What is Psychosis?

Psychosis is a mental health condition that affects the ability to accurately determine what is real and what is not real. About 3% of the population will experience psychosis and it usually begins during the teenage years. Psychosis is impacted by several factors including biology, stress, trauma, and drug use. Psychosis can be treated effectively, and early intervention often leads to better mental health recovery.
Some early signs of psychosis:
• Friends and family say You seem different
• Things seem different, unreal, or surreal
• Not doing well at school or work
• Not trusting people
• Withdrawing from friends, family, and activities
• Decrease or increase in energy
Some common signs of psychosis:
• Confused thinking
• Hallucinations
• Changes in behaviour, mood, and/or communication
• Suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety
• Delusions or false beliefs that:
• You are being followed
• People can hear your thoughts
• You have special powers or abilities
• You know about plots or conspiracies
• Thoughts are being put into your head